CSWE EPAS Curricular Guide Proposal Form

Thank you for your interest in creating a curricular guide as part of the EPAS Curricular Guide Resource Series. Curricular Guides are used as an educational resource in various settings, particularly in the classroom. Please read the following guidelines to understand the curricular guide development process. 

Curricular Guides are created jointly with Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) staff and task force participants, led by two co-chairs and nine competency chairs. Task force members can be selected by CSWE staff and co-chairs or by an open call. Task force participants may include CSWE members, social work professionals, and/or interdisciplinary professionals. 

Each guide takes approximately one year to create with copyediting, printing, and promotion of the guide completed by CSWE. Curricular Guides are grant-funded, costing approximately $45,000- $50,000 to produce. CSWE recommends proposers identify or already have a funding source; CSWE may supplement additional grant sources on a case-by-case basis. 

Use this form to propose a curricular guide. CSWE administration will review the form and contact you within 2 weeks of review. 

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.