2025 Carl A. Scott Memorial Lecture Call
Ends on
In recognition of Carl A. Scott's groundbreaking contributions to CSWE and the profession of social work, the Carl A. Scott Memorial Lecture was established to continue his legacy of equity and social justice in social work through building knowledge and furthering the well-being of individuals and their communities. Lecturers are individuals who are exemplars of inclusive excellence and bring an innovative perspective on diversity, equity, and inclusion in social work education.
Selection Criteria
Nominees should be individuals who contribute to inclusive excellence in social work education. Selection is based on each nominee’s body of scholarship, which should demonstrate:
· accomplishments consistent with the values of social work education, research, and practice.
· a focus on equity, diversity, and social, economic and environmental justice.
· innovative perspective and approach on diversity, equity, and inclusion in social work education.
· contributions to equity, diversity, and social, economic and environmental justice in social work education and/or practice.
· attention to critical issues of our time; and
· demonstrate a connection to the conference theme, "It’s Time to Act: Championing Disability Justice and Disability Joy in Social Work"
The CSWE Commission on Diversity and Social and Economic Justice (CDSEJ) will review all submissions. Self-nomination will also be accepted. Conference registration, transportation, and a 2-night hotel stay will be provided for the presenter, along with a $1,000 speaking honorarium and a plaque.
The call for nominations will close March 16, 2025 at 11:59 PM, EDT.