2025 Katherine A. Kendall Grant Application
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The Katherine A. Kendall Institute aims to facilitate the development of international social work education materials and curricula by helping educators create tools that bring the global context into U.S. social work classrooms. Since 2015, the Kendall Institute has awarded grants to support international social work education projects that prepare U.S. students for global citizenship and encourage opportunities for international social work. These projects leverage creativity and innovation with existing knowledge and practice to influence the future of international social work education nationwide. The call emphasizes the need for projects to bring the global context into U.S. social work classrooms and be transferable and sustainable across institutions.
The 2025 grant cycle spans 3 years, July 1, 2025–June 30, 2028. The Kendall Institute will award total up to $10,000 for a maximum of five grantees.
This grant is open to all CSWE members, including program members in candidacy. One member of the project team must be a CSWE member throughout the duration of the grant. Projects may include collaboration with community partners or organizations; however, the project lead must be a member of a CSWE member school.
Grant proposals will be evaluated based on adherence to application criteria, project focus, scope, innovation, and budget to support the project.
To learn more information, please refer to the full Request for Proposals.